Mobile Applications

T here are lots of smartphones, but the iPhone commands the largest user base. It is one massively popular smartphone. (Hundreds of millions have been sold, and counting.)

Now is the time to take your notion for an iPhone app and let us turn it into a reality. After all, more people access the web through their mobile devices than from their desktops. It’s time to take your business mobile!

iOS App Development

There are lots of smartphones, but the iPhone commands one of the largest user bases and one of the most significant application markets. It is one massively popular smartphone. (Hundreds of millions have been sold, and counting.)

Now is the time to take your notion for an iPhone app and let us turn it into a reality. After all, more people access the web through their mobile devices than from their desktops. It’s time to take your business mobile!

Stone Soup’s Atlanta iOS app development team will sit down with you and discuss how your business’s custom iPhone or iPad app can build brand loyalty, direct customers to your store, provide new sales streams, promote your products and increase your market share, provide demographic insights, be a vibrant partner to your existing websites and social media platforms . . . really, we can make your app do whatever you need.

And maybe you have a fabulous one-off idea for an iPhone or iPad app and your revenue stream will come from the sale of the app. We love working on creative and pioneering apps because, well, they’re just fun!

Whatever your motivation, our Atlanta iOS app development team will design an entertaining and engaging app that will be valued by your customers and bring a strong return on your iPhone app development investment.

You are more than ready! Give us a call and you’ll have full access to our expert team of creative architects, designers, programmers, and marketers and together, we’ll take you mobile.

Android App Development

Are you planning an app and waffling on the whole Android question? It’s true that Android has been idling at the corner of Who Cares and Puh-lease for some time, but in the past years, its popularity has picked up and now is by far the most used platform for mobile phones and tablets.

The Android app market is larger than the iOS market, but the cost to get noticed and acquire new customers in the Android marketplace will be significantly less than that required for the bulging iOS arena. If you have an existing iOS app, we can recreate it and launch it in the Android marketplace, so you’ll have a combined market reach of over 90%!

Our Atlanta Android App development team loves working on apps, because the approval and turn-around time is fast, allowing for quick and easy testing and perfecting of your product.

The key to building an app for Android is in understanding the architecture of the operating system (OS). Our Atlanta Android architects have an intimate knowledge of the structure—from the Linux kernel through the native libraries, onto Android Runtime and the Application framework, and finally the top of the system, where the apps live.

Your concept will thrive in the hands of our architects, developers, artists, marketers, and designers.

Android is the perfect jumping-off point for your app and we look forward to working with you to bring your idea to fruition.

Give us a call and let’s get started!

Tablet App Development

When the iPad came to market, didn’t life seem somehow better?

We thought the Smartphone was popular, but tablet sales grew 3 times faster than smartphone sales. If you’re ready to step into the app world, the tablet is the place to be.

Stone Soup’s Atlanta tablet app development team works with you to refine your concept, build a visually stunning and engagingly interactive app, and launch your business into the mobile world.

Tablet apps are not limited by small screen size. Wherever you want to go, our Atlanta Tablet app developers will take you there.

  • Do you want to sell your products through an iPad or Android tablet catalog app? That’s easy!
  • Are you looking to build your brand via a multi-level game? No problem.
  • Do you want to monetize your instructional videos? Piece of cake.
  • Do you have an idea so out there, you’re not even sure it can be done?

Great! We’ll design a prototype before you know it.

Taking your business mobile through a tablet app may be the most economical decision you’ll make all year. The App Store and Google Play Store are where billions of tablet apps have been downloaded for the 100+ million (and counting) tablet owners.

Why a tablet app development rather than something else? Distribution! Using our Atlanta tSablet app development team of architects, designers, programmers, and marketers, your app will connect you to a huge marketplace, allowing your message or products to reach target audiences for a fraction of your other marketing dollars.

Mobile marketing is here, and an iPad or Android Tablet app will get your business onto the next level. Are you ready? Give us a call and let’s get started!

Stone Soup Technology