Just Now

Mobile & Web

JustNow is a system which helps both large and small businesses to save money while increasing revenue and client engagement. JustNow aims to reduce fresh food waste by making use of a smart advertising mobile application. Offers for products that are about to go off the shelf, to expire or to lose their freshness or appeal are being broadcasted live to consumers that have the Just Now application installed and match the right shopper profile.

JustNow offers a mobile application for consumers – users can search for offers and get recommendations, an application for merchandisers – offers fast, easy, hassle free product stock tracking and promotion creation, a management dashboard – useful for business overview, as well as user, stock and promotion management and a system that seamlessly integrates with your accounting and register software for less work and better management

Technologies: iOS Swift, Android Kotlin, PHP, Laravel, MySQL, Scikit-Learn, XGBoost, Numpy, Python, Flask

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